Rio de Tango

18x ELITE, 2x ABSOLUTE, 5x BEST, 4x GOOD, 2x NICE, VERY NICE, BETTER, GLOBAL CHAMPION, Good Dressage Horse in Croatia Cup, Nice Colour Horse in Chestnut Category, Best Dressage Horse in Welcome Spring!Goodbye Winter! Dressage, 1st on Beginner Category, Best Dressage Horse in The Famous Race, The Best Amateur Dressage Horse, PonyIsland Champion, 1st Placed in II. Dressage Competition of Wien, Good Sporthorse, The Best Dressage Horse, 1st in Double Dressage, The Most Beautiful Horse of Germany, Champion Appearance Horse, 1st Placed of II. Three Nations Appearance, Best horse on Dressage with Planets in Salyza Lk., 1st in -kategória- Category on Dressage with Planets, Győztes a V. Salyza Kupán a Salyza Lovasközpontban1. helyezett a Haladó Díjlovaglás Kategóriában a V. Salyza Kupán, The Best Madonna Horse, Dressage Skills Horse in Cheval Maison, A legjobb ló a Thunder Napokon, Első helyezett a Thunder Napokon, Elite Dressage Horse, 1st in Aachen Dressage Cup, Best of Paradise Stables, The Most Elegant Colt Horse in Dressage to Win, Best in Aurora Lp, Best Piaffe Dressage Horse, 1st in Piaffe Dressage Cup, The Best Dressage Horse in PS, 1st in Paradise Stables, Absolute Winner in Paradise Stables, Nice Trotter horse in "We love trotter horses" Appearance, The best dressage horse of Paradise Stables, Best Dressage horse in Lucky Ranch, 1st in Lucky Dressage Competition, The Second Other Coloured Dressage Horse, MHC Champion, Good Dressage Horse, 2st Placed in Follow Me! Dressage with Nero Ardente, 1st placed in CARTE D'OR Versenysorozat - Dressage from Synline, 1st placed on June of Yellows in Salyza P. S., Good Horse, More Beautiful Horse in 1st Lauréats Appearance, 3rd placed on Earn Some Point! Dressage Trophy in Salyza P. S., EXCELLENT horse in the Best Race Horse-n, Good Horse of Dressage Under The Stars, 2nd Placed of V. Appearance of Favourites, Super Appearance Horse, 2nd Placed of II. Musical Appearance Cup, Beautiful Appearance Horse, Darius de Azevedo Champion, Promising Horse in Perlit Category, Good in Dressage center Best of 2013!, 3rd in Dressage center Best of 2013! in Dressage Center, Better Horse in Which is your favourite horse?, Champion horse in Benigma New Opening Competition, Best Horse in Benigma New Opening Competition, 1st Placed Horse in Dressage in May, Best Dressage Horse, The Best Vienna Masters Dressage Horse, Absolute winner in Marilyn Manson Dressage, Elite in Marilyn Manson Dressage, 1st Placed of Ireland's Dressage Festival, The Best Dressage Horse in Ulster Scots Cup, PonyIsland Champion, 1st Placed Horse in Dressage in June, 1st Placed Horse in Sabaton Competition, Champion horse in Benigma New Opening Competition, Best Horse in Benigma New Opening Competition, 1st Placed of Ireland's Dressage Festival, The Best Dressage Horse in Ulster Scots Cup, PonyIsland Champion, 1st Placed Team in Just Win! Csapatverseny, Best Dressage Horse

Neve: Tango
Születési év: 2005
Neme: Mén
Fajta: Holsteini
Szakág: Díjlovaglás - S osztály

Törzskönyvezett Neve: Rio de Tango
Törzskönyvezett Száma: RT/holsteini/004
Walt Disney I.
Trapper |
ismeretlen |
ismeretlen |
Tenyészparkok ahol Fedez:
- Park neve (???.gp)
- Quantico (Coucher du Soleil)
- Bombastic Rio (Édes)
- Lexus de Rio (Nobleasc)
- Florida Tango (AHF Lady Sansa Stark)
- Retro Tango (Samba Rima)
- Rio Picasso (Samba Rima)
- Roxane Rio (Miss Na Nog)
- Silouette Tango (AHF Moonflame)

Rajtengedély: Van
Tenyészengedély: Van
