Hope Dies Last
2014.08.05. 16:09
Minősítések:6xELITLE; 2x BEST, 3xBetter; 14xGood, 1x Very Good; 4xNICE, 3xGREAT, FANTASTIC, SUPER,, EXCELLENT, NEPTUNUS WINNER
Forever champions of beath; Good Horse in 2400 m ; Nice horse in The Last Beath competition ; Best Flitting winner in hosszú távon ; Belmont Winner in The last beath ; Third Best Horse in Jack Daniels Category (Alcoholic Appearance) GOOD GOOD GALOPP HORSE IN FALLEN ; Fourth 'She Bop' Category Horse in Fallen's Moon ; Nice horse in FMBP. Appearance; 3rd in Triple Crown Round One:The Preakness.Appearance; 3rd in Triple Crown Round One:The Preakness;Best in WLE, 1st in Hogwarts Gallop Race, Kesha Gallop Cup, participant in Take it Off, 2600 m category on Salvadore Establo!, Just Smile at R.I.P. Ruffian in RTD, Just Smile at R.I.P. Ruffian in RTD, Better Galopp Horse in AL, 2nd in II. Besilu Bount Race Cup,4th placed on Let's Meet in Germany! - Galopp Cup in Salyza P. S., 6th Placed of Preakness Stakes, Nice Horse in Ms'M, Great Horse in M'sM, 2*3rd Placed Horse in Marvel Studios Competition, 3rd placed in Happy Birthday! appearance from SJC, 3rd placed in "Arco Iris Galopp Derby", 3rd Placed Horse in I am a Princess? of course, Best in Okinawa, 1st in Appearance in Groups, Great Horse in M's M, Winner of *catching fire*, Absolute third of *catching fire*, 3rd Placed of Sport Cup, Good Horse in Sport Cup, Best gallop horse at Wild Rose, Third Horse in the Disney Galopp Cup,3rd Placed on Midnight Express Gallop, 2nd Horse of the Two Hours Galopp, Champion of Los Angeles , Fastest Horse in Go for It!Participant Horse in Ready? The Most Beautiful Mare ,1st Placed in II. Neptunus Appearance, More Beautiful Horse in Age Appearance, Nice Horse in AHS Apperance, Fastest Horse in Starting School Galopp, RiderClub Champion, 4th of Hurdling-Galopp Cup, Fast Thoroughbred Mare in Galopp for Girls
Neve: Hope
Kora: 3 éves
Neme: kanca
Fajta: angol telivér
Szakág: galopp>>hosszútáv
Törzskönyvezett Neve: Hope Dies Last Of Beath
Törzskönyvezett Száma:07-LD-234
Hope Dies Last
Last Beath
Last of Beath
x |
Last Song |
Beathen |
Tenyészparkok ahol Fedez:
- Park neve (???.gp)
- Csikó neve (Másik szülő neve)
Rajtengedély: Van
Tenyészengedély: Van
Eredményeinek száma: 50 db
1. Hely - Dancer's of Flitting Shade's [hosszútáv]
1. Hely - Go for Wand Stakes [hosszútáv]
1. Hely - Belmont Stakes [hosszútáv]
1. Hely - Hogwarts Race [hosszútáv]
1. Hely - Appearance in Groups [?]
1. Hely - June Appearance [?]
1. Hely - Girl on Fire [catching fire]
1. Hely - The Game of Thrones Series: Galopp Cup [Lannister]
1. Hely - Go for it! in L.A. [hosszútáv]
1. Hely - Ready? Go! Galopp [hosszútáv]
1. Hely - Starting School Galopp [hosszútáv]
2. Hely - Three Days Grace [hosszútáv]
2. Hely - II.Besilu Bount Race Cup [zenyatta]
2. Hely - Thoroughbreds Qalification [angol telivér]
2. Hely - Group galopp [hosszútáv]
2. Hely - Two Hours Galopp [hosszútáv]
2. Hely - Age Apparance [2-3 év]
2. Hely - Adrenalin kupa [galopp]
2. Hely - Asking alexandria Galopp [hosszútáv]
3. Hely - Grand Slam Derby 2011 [hosszútáv]
3. Hely - The Last Beath competition [hosszútáv]
3. Hely - Triple Crown Round One: The Preakness [hosszútáv]
3. Hely - Alcohol Apparance [kanca]
3. Hely - FMBP. Apparance [kanca]
3. Hely - Triple Crown Round One: The Preakness [kanca]
3. Hely - Season Apparance [nyár]
3. Hely - March's Apparance [kancák]
3. Hely - Marvel Studios Competiton [Penge - Szentháromság]
3. Hely - Marvel Studios Competiton [X-men - A Kívülállók]
3. Hely - Happy Birthday! Apparance
3. Hely - Arco Iris Galopp Derby[hosszútáv]
3. Hely - I am a Princess? Of Course [-]
3. Hely - Girl on Fire [ catching fire - döntő]
3. Hely - Sport Cup [forma-1]
3. Hely - Disney Galopp Cup [Megara]
3. Hely - Apparance Everyone [Kancák]
3. Hely - Midnight Express Galopp [hosszútáv]
3. Hely - American Horror Story Apparance [telivérek]
3. Hely - Galopp for Girls [hosszútáv]
3. Hely - Asking alexandria Galopp [küllem]
4. Hely - Nana Kitade Cup [hosszútáv]
4. Hely - Ready? Go! Galopp [hosszútáv]
4. Hely - Hurdling- Galopp Cup [galopp]
7. Hely - Belmont Stakes Előkészítő verseny [kanca]
10. Hely - Kesha Galopp Cup [hosszútáv]
. Hely - Let's Meet in Germany!-galopp cup [hosszútáv]
. Hely - II. R.I.P. Ruffian Tiszteletfutam [galopp]
. Hely - Preakness Stakes [küllem-kanca]
. Hely - II. R.I.P. Ruffian Tiszteletfutam [R.I.P. Ruffian- küllem]